Please note that due to the current measures regulation of the Austrian Federal Government dates are postponed. If you have any questions, please contact us.

You can find the current dates on the German website

1st Module | Art Law Basics

→ Art law, international protection of cultural property.
→ Cultural law, protection of historical monuments, private art law, art procedural law.
→ Art auction law
→ Art insurance law
→ Copyright law
→ Art and connoisseurship (art history).
→ Critical art journalism

2nd module | The Art Forgery

→ Original and forgery
→ Role of the art expert
→ Beltracchi from a legal and art historical point of view.
→ Catalogues raisonnés
→ Studio paintings, attribution and determination of value.
→ Forgeries in international jurisprudence
→ Legal issues of conceptual art
→ Digital Art

3rd module | Restitution and Provenance Research

→ Restitution and Provenance Research
→ National and International Jurisdiction
→ Private restitution
→ The Commission for Provenance Research in Austria and Germany.
→ International arbitration law, the battle for the ‘Golden Adele’.
→ Washington Principles
→ Restitution of colonial property

4th module | Art and Economics: focus on museology

→ Legal issues of art museums
→ contextual archaeology
→ Loan of works of art
→ Free escort of works of art
→ Sale of museum property
→ Cultural property in customs law
→ Tax law in art law
→ Art insurance and restoration
→ Dealing with colonial goods: protection and care
→ Restoration
→ Art law and artificial intelligence

5th Module | International Conventions and Jurisprudence: Focus on World Cultural Heritage

→ International Conventions: UNESCO, UNIDROIT and EU law.
→ World cultural and natural heritage
→ Archaeological cultural property
→ Monument protection and preservation
→ Ensemble protection
→ German Cultural Property Protection Act
→ Austrian Cultural Property Restitution Act

6th module | Music, Theatre and Photography as a Question of Art Law

→ Copyright law: focus on music, theater and photography
→ artistic freedom
→ IT law
→ Legal issues of photography
→ Music and theater as a question of law
→ Director’s theater
→ Opera as a business
→ Plagiarism and self-citation in music
→ Musical concept of work
→ Festival

Scientific Direction Gerte Reichelt
Research Society Art & Law
Faculty of Law
Schottenbastei 10 – 16, 1010 Vienna
