Art Law | University Course

Faculty of Law
Duration / ECTS - Credits
2 semesters / 15 ECTS
Qualification Level
Postgraduate University Course
Mode of Study
Language of Instruction
Location of Implementation
Online bewerben

Art Law is a university course with a certificate degree, and consists of 6 modules that can also be booked individually. A module lasts from Friday 17:00 to Sunday 16:00 and is each dedicated to a major topic from art and cultural law. These range from copyright and provenance research to tax issues in art.
The academic concept is based on an interdisciplinary, holistic approach consisting of lectures and discussions with international experts from various disciplines as well as museum visits and guided tours of current exhibitions. Priority is given to assessment of the legal perspective, although economic, cultural-political and art-historical aspects are considered as well. Particular emphasize put on a strong practical relevance of all the content.
The intended target group of the course is lawyers working in the field of art law but also people working in the art industry, such as in galleries, museums, auction houses as well as opera houses, theaters and festivals or in a broader sense banks or insurance companies dealing with art-related matters.- Apart from these, the course is naturally open to all others devoted to art as well. Here you can find more information about the Modules Overview and the Lecturer.

The university course in art law has been awarded the seal of quality by ICOM (international council of museums) for further education courses in the museum sector.

About Art Law

Art law stands for…

…the protection and care of cultural property and world cultural heritage, but also art trade, the law of art auctions and art insurance law on an interdisciplinary and transnational level.

The certificate course deals with a wide range of  topics such as the international protection of cultural property, monument protection, museology, private art law as well as copyright and personal rights of the artist. In addition, economic connections and the law of international conventions – such as UNESCO, UNIDROIT and EU law – have to be considered as well.

Current topics such as legal issues of art forgery, restitution of cultural property, provenance research and case law as well as the role of the art expert within the national and international legal situation are covered.

International jurisprudence and conventions point the way to the advancement of art law, while national legal systems bear the responsibility for implementation and enforcement.

Within the framework of six modules, the postgraduate course “Art Law” gives participants the opportunity to enter into dialogue with national and international experts in art and law.

Participation in the entire course

Course consisting of 6 modules
Flexible sequence of modules possible
Receipt of a certificate after completion of all six modules and writing of a scientific paper. Thesis
6 modules (2 ECTS each)
Scientific paper (3 ECTS)
You can find the current prices on the German website

Participation in individual modules

Seminar from Friday 17:00 to Sunday 16:00
You can find the current prices on the German website

Participation requirements

First completed university education or adequate practical experience (e.g.: art trade) as well as students of law, art history or related disciplines
For the entire course: Written application by 30. September 2024
Language of instruction German: C1 level


Participants of the course are members of the Austrian Student Union (ÖH) as extraordinary students of the Sigmund Freud University Vienna and therefore obliged to pay a student fee to the ÖH. The ÖH fee is used to represent the interests of students and to provide a comprehensive range of services. Furthermore, students are directly insured via the ÖH accident and liability insurance.
Further information is available at:
The ÖH fee of € 22,70 is invoiced directly to students by our Finance Department per semester.
(Please state your first and last name as the purpose of payment).

If ÖH fees are also paid at another university, please pay the fee twice, but it can be refunded afterwards using this form.


Bulletin Art & Law (Ed.: Research Society Art & Law).
Participants will receive the most recent issue of the Bulletin

Additional offer for participants: scientific excursions

  • Kunst und Recht 2023 Basel
  • Kunst und Recht 2023 Bonn
  • IFKUR-Heidelberger Kunstrechtstage mit RA Dr. Kemle und Prof. Dr. Weller
  • Museum Blau Schwetzingen mit Dr. Schuth
  • Symposium Universität Basel, Art Basel mit RA Dr. Mosimann und Prof. Dr. Schönenberger
  • Kunstrechtsgespräche Universität Bonn mit Prof. Dr. Weller
  • Kunstrechts-Seminar, Museumsinsel, Berlin
  • Dissertant*innen-Seminar mit Prof. Siehr, Hamburg, und Prof. von der Decken, Gießen 

Scientific Direction Gerte Reichelt
Research Society Art & Law
Sigmund Freud PrivatUniversity
Freudplatz 1, 1020 Vienna


Sigmund Freud University Vienna
Freudplatz 3,
1020 Vienna