Head: Ass.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stephan Keiler, LL.M.
E-Mail: firtour@sfu.ac.at
Anschrift: A-1020 Vienna, Lassallestraße 3/L614
The RILTour was founded in 2024 in accordance with the statutes of the SFU as an institute of the Faculty of Law and is still in the process of development.
The research institute focuses on the complex legal situation of the three eponymous sectors tourism, mobility and leisure in the multi-level legal system – international, supranational, national, regional – due to the welcome European integration and the internationalisation of economic and social life, and the effects on the market of suppliers and consumers in its diverse forms.
Upcoming event in cooperation with the Travel Industry Club Tourismus (TICT)
Rail travel – legally on track (in German only)
24.02.2025 (Monday), 18:00
Faculty of Law, LAS3, 1020 Vienna, Lassallestr. 3, 6th floor