Study Plan Commission of the Faculty of Law
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Konrad Lachmayer (Chairman)
- Karin Bruckmüller
- Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Florian Heindler
- Maximilian Hofbauer LLB, LLM (Deputy Chairman)
- Mag.a Elenóra Wagenknecht
- Paul Artmann
- Janina Hoffmann
Substitute members (ranked):
- Sonja Bydlinski
- Ass.-Prof. Dr. Ralph Janik, LL.M.
- Anna Kunz, Dipl.-Jur. (Univ.)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Max Leitner
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Müller
Substitute members Students (ranked):
- David Alexander Mittelbach
- Rale Balli
The rules of procedure of the study plan commission can be found under the following link:
Rules of Procedure – Study Plan Commission
Ethics Commission of the Faculties of Psychology, Psychotherapy Science, Law
Chairman of the Ethics Committee of the Faculties of Psychotherapy Science, Psychology, Law
PD Ass.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Martin Wieser
Contact: E-Mail